© Christopher Earls Brennen

Datafile 11A. Porterfield Records


The following were found in various miscellaneous records:


The following are found in the records of immigration to New York:


The signers of the Ulster Covenant on Sep.28, 1912, include the following:


The 1821 Census fragment from County Cavan contains the following references to Porterfield families. Abbreviations: HD = head or husband, WI = wife, SO = son, DA = daughter, NE = nephew or neice, AU = aunt, UN = uncle, SI = sister, BR = brother, SL = son-in-law or sister-in-law, DL = daughter-in-law, GS = grandson, GD = granddaughter, SE = servant, BO = boarder.

NameAge  Pos.  Occupation  
House 10, Townland of Clare, Parish of Crosserlough, County Cavan:
William Porterfield  92   HD  Farmer
Mary Porterfield87WI
Bella Porterfield16GDFlax Spinner
House 11, Townland of Clare, Parish of Crosserlough, County Cavan:
William Porterfield  40   HD  Farmer
Sally Porterfield36WIFlax Spinner
William Porterfield14SOLabourer
Miles Porterfield12SOLabourer
John Porterfield10SO
James Porterfield8SO
Mary Porterfield6DA
Susanagh Porterfield4DA
Thomas Reilly16SELabourer
House 12, Townland of Clare, Parish of Crosserlough, County Cavan:
John Porterfield  56   HD  Farmer
Susanagh Porterfield43WIFlax Spinner
William Porterfield20SOLinen Weaver
Moses Porterfield14SOLabourer
John Porterfield12SO
James Porterfield7SO
Jane Porterfield18DAFlax Spinner
Martha Porterfield16DAFlax Spinner
Susanagh Porterfield5DA


NameAge  Pos.  Occupation  
Parish of Paisley Low, Renfrewshire, Scotland:
Alexander Porterfield      40     HD    Agricultural Lab. (born in Ireland)
Janet Porterfield11
Agness Porterfield9
Alexander Porterfield2


NameAge  Pos.  Occupation  
62 Canal Street, Parish of Paisley High Church, Renfrewshire, Scotland:
Alexander Porterfield      62     HD    Agricultural Lab. (born in Ireland)
Frances Porterfield55WI
Agness Porterfield18
Alexander Porterfield11


NameAge  Pos.  Occupation  
46 Canal Street, Parish of Paisley High Church, Renfrewshire, Scotland:
Alexander Porterfield      76     HD    Labourer (born in Ireland)
Frances Porterfield60WI
Alexander Porterfield20SO
Francis Barclay9GD


NameAge  Pos.  Occupation  
Peel, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada:
John Porterfield      70     HD    Farmer (born in Ireland)
Nancy Porterfield70WI
Alexander Porterfield43SO
James Porterfield26TD>SO


NameAge  Pos.  Occupation  
Town of Barrhead, Renfrewshire, Scotland:
Alexander Porterfield      63     HD    Engine Keeper (born in Donegal)
Lizie Porterfield60WI
Elizabeth Porterfield20DA


The 1901 Census contains the following references to Porterfield families. Abbreviations: Pres = Presbyterian, Meth = Methodist, CofE = Church of Ireland, RoCa = Roman Catholic, Chr = Christian Church, RW = read and write, RO = read only, NR = neither read nor write, UM = unmarried, MA = married, WI = widow or widower, HD = head or husband, WI = wife, SO = son, DA = daughter, NE = nephew or neice, AU = aunt, UN = uncle, SI = sister, BR = brother, SL = son-in-law or sister-in-law, DL = daughter-in-law, GS = grandson, GD = granddaughter, SE = servant, BO = boarder, CoAnt = County Antrim, CoArm = County Armagh, CoCav = County Cavan, CoDon = County Donegal, CoDow = County Down, CoDer = County Derry, CoRos = County Roscommon, CoTyr = County Tyrone, CoFer = County Fermanagh.

NameAge  Pos.  Relig.  B-place   Occupation  Lit.  Marr.
House 2 in Gortlogher (Altaclady, Tyrone):
Matilda Porterfield58 HD Pres CoTyr Farmer RW WI
Fanny Porterfield 16 DA Pres CoTyr Farmers Daughter RW UM
Robert Porterfield 14 SO Pres CoTyr Farmers Son RW UM
House 11 in Ballylaw (Ballymagorry, Tyrone):
In the home of John Donaghy:
James Porterfield 38 SE Pres CoTyr Farm ServantRO UM
House 15 in Lifford Common (Clonleigh South, Donegal):
John Porterfield50 HD Pres CoDon Farmer RW MA
Isabella Porterfield42WIPresCoDonFarmers WifeRW MA
Matilda Jane Porterfield22DAPresCoDonFarmers DaughterRW UM
John Porterfield 18 SO Pres CoDon Farmer's Son RW UM
Alexander Porterfield 13 SO Pres CoDon Scholar RW UM
Annie Porterfield 10 DA Pres CoDon Scholar RW UM
Samuel Porterfield 4 SO Pres CoDon NR UM
Albert Porterfield 2 SO Pres CoDon NR UM
James Huston40 SE CofE CoDon Agriculural Labourer RW UM
Mairy McGlinn19 SE RoCa CoDon Domestic Servant RW UM
House 1 in Tober (Killea, Donegal):
James Boyd 37 HD Pres CoDon Farmer RW UM
Moses Boyd 35 BR Pres CoDon Farmer RW UM
Margery Boyd 39 SI Pres CoDon Farmer Daughter RW UM
Rebecca Boyd 32 SI Pres CoDon Farmer Daughter RW UM
Isabella B Porterfield 18 NE Pres CoDon Undergraduate of R.U.I RW UM
Alexander Noble30 SE CofE CoDon Farm Servant RW UM
Catherine Herity26 SE RoCa CoDon General Servant NR UM
House 4 in Magherahee (Castlefinn, Donegal):
Samuel Porterfield 52 HD Pres CoDon Agricultural Labourer NR WI
Rebecca Porterfield 22 DA Pres CoDon Seamstress NR UM
House 11 in Ballylennan (Feddyglass, Donegal):
Alexander Porterfield 48 HD Pres CoDon Farmer RW MA
Margaret A Porterfield 46 WI Pres CoDon RW MA
Mary E Porterfield 17 DA Pres CoDon Farmers Daughter RW UM
William Porterfield 15 SO Pres CoDon Farmers Son RW UM
Maggie A Porterfield 13 DA Pres CoDon Scholar RW UM
Alexander Porterfield 11 SO Pres CoDon Scholar RW UM
John Porterfield 7 SO Pres CoDon Scholar RW UM
Margaret McBrearty 16 SE RoCa CoDon Domestic Servant NR UM
House 6 in Magherahee (Castlefinn, Donegal):
In the household of Richard Russell:
Mathew Porterfield 20 SE Pres CoDon Farm Servant RO UM
John Porterfield 26 SE Pres CoDon Farm Servant NR UM
House 30 in Carnowen (Castlefinn, Donegal):
In the household of Moses Wallace:
Samuel Porterfield 20 SE Pres CoDon Farm Servant RW UM
House 3 in Ballyhoe (Feddyglass, Donegal):
In the household of William Wilkie:
Rebecca Porterfield 55 BO Pres CoDon RW UM
Susan Porterfield 53 BO Pres CoDon RW UM
House 10 in Galdonagh (Treantaghmucklagh, Donegal):
Margaret Porterfield 84 HD CofE CoDon Shopkeeper NR UM
Lizzie Porterfield 68 SI CofE CoDon No Occupation NR UM
Alexander Porterfield 60 NE CofE CoDon Farm Labourer RW UM
House 3 in Carnamogagh Upper (Letterkenny Rural, Donegal):
William Porterfield 45 HD Pres CoTyr Carpenter RW MA
Maggie Porterfield 44 WI Pres CoDon House Keeper RW MA
William H Porterfield 20 SO Pres CoDon Carpenter RW UM
Cassie Porterfield 13 DA Pres CoDon Scholar RW UM
Nora Porterfield 8 DA Pres CoDon Scholar RW UM
House 6 in Clare (Ballyjamesduff, Cavan):
Francis Porterfield 65 HDPresCoCavFarmerRWWI
Annie Porterfield 20 DAPresCoCavFarmer's DaughterRWUM
House 8 in Derry (Graddum, Cavan):
Richard Porterfield 24HDMethCoCavFarmerRWUM


NameAge  Pos.  Occupation  
23 Main Street, Rutherglen, Lanarkshire, Scotland:
Robert Porterfield      47     HD    
Mary Porterfield45WI
Robert Porterfield20SORailway Carter
Alexander Porterfield      12     SO
Martha Ann Porterfield7DA
William Porterfield3SO


The 1911 Census contains the following references to Porterfield families. Abbreviations: Pres = Presbyterian, Meth = Methodist, CofE = Church of Ireland, RoCa = Roman Catholic, Chr = Christian Church, RW = read and write, RO = read only, NR = neither read nor write, UM = unmarried, MA = married, WI = widow or widower, HD = head or husband, WI = wife, SO = son, DA = daughter, NE = nephew or neice, AU = aunt, UN = uncle, SI = sister, BR = brother, SL = son-in-law or sister-in-law, DL = daughter-in-law, GS = grandson, GD = granddaughter, SE = servant, BO = boarder, CoAnt = County Antrim, CoArm = County Armagh, CoCav = County Cavan, CoDon = County Donegal, CoDow = County Down, CoDer = County Derry, CoRos = County Roscommon, CoTyr = County Tyrone, CoFer = County Fermanagh.

NameAge  Pos.  Relig.  B-place   Occupation  Lit.  Marr.Children
House 7 in Gortlougher (Attaclady, Tyrone):
Matilda Porterfield 65 HD Pres CoTyr RW WI
Fanny Porterfield 24 DA Pres CoTyr RW UM
Robert Porterfield 22 SO Pres CoTyr Farmer RW UM
House 8 in Artigarvan (Ballymagorry, Tyrone):
James Porterfield 57 HD Pres CoTyr Agricultural Labourer RW MA
Matilda Jane Porterfield 54 WI Pres CoTyr RW MA
[Married 20 years]
House 29 in Lifford Common (Clonleigh South, Donegal):
John Porterfield 60 HD Pres CoDonFarmerRWMA
Isabella Porterfield 53 WI Pres CoDon RWMA
[Married 33 years, children born 10, children living 7]
Alexander Lockey Porterfield 23 SO PresCoDon Clerk in Crown RW UM
Head Office, Lifford
Annie Porterfield 20 DA PresCoDon RW UM
Samuel Robert Porterfield 14 SO PresCoDon Scholar RW UM
David Albert Porterfield 12 SO PresCoDonScholar RW UM
Marry Isabella Porterfield 8 DA PresCoDonScholar RW UM
House 1 in Ballaghderg (Gortnavern, Donegal):
William Porterfield 57 HD Pres CoTyr Farmer RW MA
Margaret Porterfield 60 WI Pres CoDon RW MA
[Married 34 years, children born 8, living 5]
William H Porterfield 29 SO Pres CoDon Farmers Son RW UM
Cathrine Porterfield 22 DA Pres CoDon RW UM
Nora Porterfield 17 DA Pres CoDon RW UM
House 1 in Farsetmore (Magheraboy, Donegal):
Annie Mary Porterfield 56 HD Pres CoDon Farmer RW WI
William Porterfield 16 SO Pres CoDon Farmer's Son RW UM
Margaret Porterfield 13 DA Pres CoDon Scholar RW UM
James Sweeney 58 SE RoCa CoDon Farm Servant NR UM
Sophia Roarty 17 SE RoCa CoDon Domestic Servant RW UM
House 9 in Raphoe Townparks (Raphoe, Donegal):
Matthew Porterfield 36 HD CofE CoDon Farm Labourer RW MA
Ellen Porterfield 25 WI CofE CoDon RW MA
[Married 3 years, children born 2, living 1]
Maggie Porterfield 2 DA CofE CoDon NR UM
House 14 in Galdonagh (Trntaghmucklagh, Donegal):
Elizabeth Porterfield 77 HD CofE CoDon Seamstress RO UM
Alexander Porterfield 68 NE CofE CoDon Farm Labourer RW UM
May Anne Shale 23 SE RoCa CoDon General Servant Domestic RW UM
House 2 in Drumineney (Raphoe, Donegal):
Samuel Porterfield 68 HD Pres CoDon Farm Labourer NR WI
Rebecca Buyers 30 DA Pres Glasgow RW MA
[Married 7 years, children born 2, living 2]
Maggie Buyers 6 GD Pres CoDon NR UM
Annie Buyers 4 GD Pres CoDon NR UM
House 6 in Ballylennan (Feddyglass, Donegal):
Alexander Porterfield 58 HD Pres CoDon Farmer RW MA
Margaret A Porterfield 56 WI Pres CoDon RW MA
[Married 31 years, children born 7, living 6]
Mary E Porterfield 28 DA Pres CoDon Farmers Daughter RW UM
Alexander Porterfield 21 SO Pres CoDon Farmers Son RW UM
Margaret S A Porterfield 23 DA Pres CoDon Farmers Daughter RW UM
John Porterfield 17 SO Pres CoDon Farmers Son RW UM
House 3 in Ballyboe (Feddyglass, Donegal):
Rebecca Porterfield 65 HD Pres CoDon RW UM
Susan Porterfield 60 Pres CoDon RW UM
House 19 in Roosky Upper (Castlefinn, Donegal):
In the household of James Hill:
Samuel Porterfield 26 SE Pres Scotland Farm Servant RW UM
House 3 in Clare (Ballyjamesduff, Cavan):
Francis Porterfield 70 HDPresCoCavFarmerROWI


The first part of this section is a listing of some of the Porterfield births in various records. Details of some of these are included in the second part of this section.

First Name(s)  Surname  AreaYear  Ref. Ch.
JohnPorterfield  Raphoe1776[k]*
William PorterfieldRaphoe1806[k]*
FrancesPorterfieldDonaghmore  1824[g]*
Moses RamsayCamus1829[a]*
William JamesPorterfieldInver1841[l]*
Nancy PorterfieldStrabane1849 [e]*
John PorterfieldStrabane1850 [e]*
Elizabeth JaneMorrisonDonaghmore1859[h]*
John James PorterfieldCamus1862 [a][b]*
James Bennett Newry1864[a]*
Robert James Croney Newry1864 [a]*
John Irwin PorterfieldRaphoe1864[a]*
John PorterfieldCastlefinn1864[a]*
Robert John EatonRaphoe1864 [a]*
Mathew PorterfieldCastlefinn1864[a]*
John Morrison Killygordon1865[a]*
(male) WhiteCastlefinn1865[a]*
James Morrison Killygordon1866[a][h]*
Elizabeth EatonRaphoe1866[a]*
Michael BennettNewry1866[a]*
John Craney Newry1866[a]*
Alfred ParterfieldLondonderry1866 [a]*
James PorterfieldCastlefinn1867[a]*
Fanny CornwathStrabane1867[a]*
James CornwathStrabane1868[a]*
John CornwathStrabane1868[a]*
Samuel MorrisonKillygordon1868[a][h]*
Eliza StewartDublin1868[a]*
Anna BennettNewry 1868[a]*
Rebecca WhiteKillygordon1868[a]*
Ephraim EatonRaphoe1868[a]*
Martha Ann PorterfieldCastlefin1869[a][h]*
William CornwathTyrone1869[a]*
John Mccauley Cavan1869[a]*
Mary Ellen Craney Newry1869[a]*
Elizabeth PorterfieldLondonderry1870[a]*
George MorrisonDonegal1870 [a]*
Jane McnightRaphoe1870 [a]*
Christopher Bennett Newry1870 [a]*
Joseph Wray Cornwath Strabane1870 [a]*
Porterfield Raphoe1871 [a]*
Joseph Morrison Killygordan1871 [a]*
Isabella FyffeStrabane1871 [a]*
Eliza Jane Porterfield Cavan 1872 [a]*
Mc NightDonegal 1872 [a]*
William McauleyCavan 1872 [a]*
Mary Cornwath 1873 [a]*
Margaret Jane Trinnear Cavan 1873 [a]*
PorterfieldDonegal1873 [a]*
Anne PorterfieldCavan 1873 [a]*
Fanny Fyffe Strabane 1873 [a]*
GalbriethCastlefin 1874 [a]*
Anna Mary Cornwath Strabane 1874 [a]*
David Morrison Killy Gordan1874 [a]*
William Porterfield Cavan 1875 [a]*
Rebecca Morrison Donegal1875 [a]*
Rebecca Mcnight Donegal 1875 [a]*
Robert Cairnwaith Tyrone 1875 [a]*
Annie Margaret Porterfield Tyrone1876 [a]*
Margaret Jane Fyffe Tyrone1876 [a]*
Francis Porterfield Cavan 1876 [a]*
Jane Fyffe Tyrone 1877 [a]*
Hanna Cairnwaith Tyrone 1878 [a]*
Henry Porterfield Cavan 1878 [a]*
John Porterfield Tyrone1878 [a]*
(female) Porterfield Lifford1878 [a]*
John Porterfield Letterkenny 1879 [a]*
Mathew Porterfield Donegal1879 [a]*
(female) Porterfield Lifford1880 [a]*
James Porterfield Tyrone1880 [a]*
John Porterfield   Gaundy 1880 [a]*
William Henry Porterfield Donegal1881 [a]*
(male) Porterfield Donegal1881 [a]*
Elizabeth Mary Porterfield Strabane1925 [d]*
Jean Fiona Porterfield Strabane1932 [d]*
[a] LDS Records.
[b] Camus Parish Register.
[c] Emerald Ancestors Records.
[d] Records of First Strabane Presbyterian Church.
[e] Records of Second Strabane Presbyterian Church.
[f] Records of Urney and Sion Mills Presbyterian Church.
[g] Records of Donaghmore Church of Ireland, Donegal.
[h] Records of Donaghmore Presbyterian Church, Donegal.
[k] Records of Raphoe Church of Ireland, Donegal.
[l] Records of Inver Church of Ireland.
[m] Records of Stranorlar Church of Ireland, Donegal.

The second part of this section contains details of some of the births listed above:



The first part of this section is a listing of some of the Porterfield marriages in various records. Details of some of these are included in the second part of this section.

First Name(s)  Surname  AreaYear  Ref. Ch.
Alexander Porterfield   Raphoe 1785[k]*
John Porterfield Raphoe 1790[k]*
John Porterfield Inver 1805[l]*
?? Porterfield Donaghmore   1839[e]*
Jane Porterfield Donegal 1845[a]*
William Porterfield Donaghedy 1845[a]*
Mary Porterfield Ireland 1847[a]*
John Porterfield Ireland 1847[a]*
Jane Porterfield Ireland 1847[a]*
John Porterfield Ardstraw 1848[a]*
Ellen Porterfield Ireland 1849[a]*
Martha Porterfield Ireland 1849[a]*
Sarah Porterfield Ireland 1849[a]*
John Porterfield Leckpatrick 1851[a]*
Matthew Porterfield Donoughmore 1852[a]*
Hanna Porterfield Newry 1854[a]*
Jane Porterfield Donoughmore 1854[a]*
Margery Porterfield Donegal 1856[a]*
Robert Porterfield Donegal 1856[a]*
Thomas Porterfield Donegal 1858[a]*
Martha Anne Porterfield Donegal 1858[a]*
Alexander Porterfield Donegal 1859[a]*
Rebecca Porterfield Donegal 1862[a]*
James Porterfield Donegal 1864[a]*
Mary Porterfield Tyrone 1866[a]*
Robert Porterfield Donegal 1867[a]*
Annie Porterfield Strabane 1873[c]*
John Porterfield Donagheady 1875[c]*
John Porterfield Strabane 1877[c]*
Robert Porterfield Strabane 1880[c]*
Fanny Porterfield Strabane 1883[c][m]*
Joseph Porterfield Ardstraw 1884[c]*
Margaret J Porterfield Donagheady 1885[c]*
William Porterfield Donagheady 1890[c]*
Mary Ann Porterfield Donagheady 1892[c]*
James Porterfield Leckpatrick 1902[b]*
Annie Porterfield Donagheady 1907[c]*
Elizabeth Porterfield Clondermot 1911[c]*
Sarah Porterfield Donagheady 1916[c]*
James Porterfield Leckpatrick 1922[b]*
[a] LDS Records.
[b] Leckpatrick Presbyterian Church Records.
[c] Emerald Ancestors Records.
[d] Records of Crossroads Presbyterian Church near Omagh.
[e] Londonderry Sentinel.
[h] Records of Donaghmore Presbyterian Church, Donegal.
[k] Records of Raphoe Church of Ireland, Donegal.
[l] Records of Inver Church of Ireland.
[m] Records of Urney and Sion Mills Presbyterian Church.

The second part of this section contains details of some of the marriages listed above:



The first part of this section is a listing of some of the Porterfield deaths in various records. Details of some of these are included in the second part of this section.

First Name(s)  Surname    AreaYear  Ref. Ch.
WilliamPorterfield  Tyrone1728[c]
AlexanderPorterfieldTaughboyne  1872
[c] Emerald Ancestors Internet Records.

The second part of this section contains details of some of the deaths listed above:


A listing of the abstracts of wills mostly taken from the PRONI website:

Christopher E. Brennen