© Christopher Earls Brennen

Datafile 8B. Miller Births

The first part of this section is a listing of some of the Miller births in various records. Details of some of these are included in the second part of this section.

First Name(s)  Surname  AreaYearRef. Ch.
Mary Jane Campbell Camus 1827 [e]
Francis Campbell Camus 1828 [e]
Joseph Miller   Strabane  1830   [c]
George Campbell Camus 1833 [e]
John Campbell Camus 1833 [e]
Eliza Miller Strabane 1834 [c]
Robert John Carson Strabane 1834 [d]
Anne Jane Miller Strabane 1835 [c]
Alexander Miller Strabane 1836 [c]
John Miller Strabane 1838 [c]
William James Carson Strabane 1838 [d]
Joseph Carson Strabane 1840 [d]
William Miller Strabane 1841 [c]
James Miller Strabane 1844 [c]
Samuel Miller Strabane 1845 [c]
David Miller Ardstraw 1861 [f]
Thomas Miller Ardstraw 1863 [f]
Charles Miller Fermanagh 1865 [a]
female Miller Strabane 1867 [c]
male Miller Strabane 1867 [c]
Martha Miller Strabane 1868 [c]
Mathew Miller Strabane 1868 [c]
Mathew Miller Newtownstewart1868 [a]
Thomas Miller Strabane 1868 [c]
female Miller Strabane 1868 [c]
Robert Miller Strabane 1869 [c]
John Miller Co.Tyrone 1869 [a]
John JamesMiller Co.Tyrone 1869 [a]
James Miller Strabane 1870 [c]
Anne Miller Strabane 1870 [c]
Samuel Mathew   MillerStrabane 1870 [c]
John Miller Fermanagh 1870 [a]
Andrew John Miller Strabane 1871 [c]
Isabella Miller Strabane 1871 [c]
Margaret Miller Strabane 1871 [c]
John Miller Co.Tyrone 1871 [a]
Eliza Miller Strabane 1872 [c]
Mary Ann Miller Strabane 1873 [c]
Sarah Jane Miller Strabane 1873 [c]
Elizabeth Miller Strabane 1873 [c]
John Miller Strabane 1873 [c][a]
Robert Miller Strabane 1874 [c]
Thomas Miller Strabane 1874 [c]
Mary Jane Miller Strabane 1875 [c]
William Walter MillarEderny 1875 [c]
James Woodburn Miller Fermanagh 1878 [a]
John Miller Old Town, Co.Tyrone   1880 [a]
Ellen Elizabeth Agnes   Miller Fermanagh 1880 [a]
[a] LDS Records.
[c] Emerald Ancestor Records.
[d] Records of First Strabane Presbyterian Church.
[e] Records of Camus Church.
[f] Records of Ardstraw Presbyterian Church.

The second part of this section contains details of some of the births listed above:

The third part of this section contains details of some of the births listed above.

Parents:Place:Date:Child's Name:
Thomas Miller +    Strabane, Co.Tyrone Jun.11,1867   female
Martha (Bates) Strabane, Co.Tyrone Sep.24,1868   female
Strabane, Co.Tyrone Aug.29,1870   Samuel Mathew
Moses Miller +    Strabane, Co.Tyrone Jan.23,1868   Martha
Mary Jane (Black) Strabane, Co.Tyrone May 2,1870   James
John Miller +    Strabane, Co.Tyrone Jun.8,1872   Eliza
Anne (Allen) Strabane, Co.Tyrone Jan.30,1874   Robert
   Strabane, Co.Tyrone Sep.24,1875   Mary Jane
William Miller +    Dunnamanagh, Co.Tyrone Dec.23,1867   male
Martha (Laird) Dunnamanagh, Co.Tyrone Dec.12,1871   Isabella
   Dunnamanagh, Co.Tyrone Dec.24,1873   Sarah Jane
John Miller +    Dunnamanagh, Co.Tyrone Dec.4,1869   Robert
Isabella Jane (Moorhead) Dunnamanagh, Co.Tyrone Sep.25,1871   Andrew John
   Dunnamanagh, Co.Tyrone May 15,1873   Elizabeth
David Miller +    Newtonstewart, Co.Tyrone Aug.4,1868   Mathew
Mary Anne (Woodburn) Newtonstewart, Co.Tyrone Dec.8,1873   John
William Miller +    Newtonstewart, Co.Tyrone May 16,1868   Thomas
Matilda (McElray) Newtonstewart, Co.Tyrone Apr.3,1871   Margaret
   Newtonstewart, Co.Tyrone Oct.12,1873   Mary Ann
Andrew Miller +    Newtonstewart, Co.Tyrone Mar.16,1870   Anne
Ellen (McConnell)

Christopher E. Brennen