© Christopher Earls Brennen
It is clear that during the late 1700s and the 1800s, the Dale family created a substantial family operation in the townland of Ballyruther, just north of Ballygalley. This operation involved a number of farms and mills.
The Dale family operations included a number of farms, one or two flaxmills, a cornmill and a dairy. In the 1835 Ordnance Survey of the parish of Carncastle, mention is made of several of these facilities. It describes a small flax mill in Ballyruther whose wheel is 12 ft. in diameter and is overshot. In the same townland are a small corn mill with a 13 ft. overshot wheel and a small dairy worked by a 6 ft. breast water wheel. Other records included in what follows add to this picture of a thriving family business.
Dale Gravestone Inscription in Carncastle
- James Dale, born before about 1740, is the earliest Dale in the Carncastle records. He appears in a lease dated Apr.5, 1765, in which a James Dale and a William Henry Blair leased 13 acres of land in the Parish of Carncastle (with grazing and liberty of moss in Killyglen mountain). The duration of the lease was the lives of James Dale's three children William, Margaret and James Dale. The rent was 4 pounds and the consideration was 17 pounds and 10 shillings. Moreover the following damaged gravestone inscription from St. Patrick's Parish Church, Carncastle, may well belong to James Dale: ``Here lyeth the bodys of 2 daughte(rs) of James Dal(e) (of) this parish Martha wh o aged 4 yea ]MA[ died 12th May 1773 aged 12 Y[ ]s.'' ``Our loving parents dear for us do not lament, Trust in Christs holy promise and therewith be content, Mourn for your sins your selves prepare, That we in Gods Kingdom of his pure bounty share.'' The gravestone is badly broken and worn away; the decoration includes the same coat of arms as on the gravestone of William Dale described below. We note that these are the only armorial gravestones in the Carncastle graveyard in which a poem is used. The children of James Dale:
- William Dale was born about 1759 as the above lease attests.
- Margaret Dale was born about 1761 as the above lease attests and died on May 12, 1773, at the age of 12 as the above gravestone records.
- Martha Dale was born after 1765 and died at the age of 4 as the above gravestone records.
- James Dale, born about 1763, was probably the son of the elder James Dale. The younger James Dale became a wheelwright. The 1798 Rebellion Papers in the State Office, Dublin Castle, contain the following account of a trial at Carrickfergus on Aug.14, 1798. James Dale of Carncastle was found guilty of being a United Irishman. He was imprisoned for 12 months and had to find bail for 7 years. James died in 1847 at the age of 84; his death is noted on the 1851 Census return of his son, John.
- John Dale of Ballytober was born about 1794 and became a house carpenter and later a farmer. In 1827, he married Margaret Shaw, born about 1810; Margaret's maiden name is known to us from the probate of John Dale's will (see below). Other members of the Shaw family appear in John's will and probate: his nephew, Thomas Shaw, was an executor to his will and Henry Shaw was a witness. Thomas became a farmer in Ballyhackett, Cairncastle, and retained a Mary Dale as his housekeeper (it seems likely that Mary is John and Margaret's daughter listed below). In the 1851 Census, John and Margaret Dale are listed as residing in the townland of Drains just south of Carncastle, County Antrim. Living with them are their children, Martha (aged 13), Joseph (aged 10), Thomas (aged 4) and Samuel (aged 2). Three other children are listed as absent, and two as having died recently. The death of John's father, James Dale, is also listed. We also note that Thomas Caldwell (born 1806) and his sister, Elizabeth Caldwell, and their deceased mother, Jane Caldwell (died in 1850 aged 83), are listed in the 1851 Census as living in Drains. Also included in that household is 6-year-old Mary Dale. (Note also that Thomas Caldwell's holding in Drains is also listed in the 1860 Griffith Valuation.) John died on Aug. 29, 1853, aged 59 years, and Margaret on Feb. 4, 1892 aged 82 years; their deaths are recorded on the following gravestone from St. Patrick's Parish Church: ``Erected by Margaret Dale in memory of her husband John Dale who departed this life Aug. 29, 1853, aged 59 years. Above named Margaret Dale died Feb. 4, 1892 aged 82 years. Daughter Mary died 1923 aged 79.'' In his surviving will (see File 7A), John Dale, ``a farmer of Ballytober'' left his farms to his wife Margaret Dale and to his nephew Thomas Shaw. He also left donations to his sons, Samuel, John, William, Joseph and Thomas and to his daughters, Eliza, Sarah, Martha and Mary as noted below. The executors were his wife and Thomas Shaw and the witnesses were James Carmichael and Henry Shaw. Probate on the will was not granted until Jun.18, 1873 [PRONI D300/1/5/581]. A surviving conveyance dated Jun.23, 1877 [PRONI D300/2/1/64/26] records the lease of lands in Drains and Ballytober to Margaret Dale(first part), Samuel Dale (second part) and Mary Dale (third part). By the time of the Griffith Valuation in about 1860 the house and land in the townland of Drains are listed under Margaret's name. She occupies a house worth 15 shillings and two parcels of land of about five acres, all of which are leased from Oliver Bond. Margaret also leases houses to John M'Hannan, Robert Keane and William Coen. The Griffith Valuation also includes a farmhouse worth two pounds and a farm of 19 acres, 1 rood and 5 perches worth 18 pounds in the townland of Ballytober, parish of Carncastle, which is held by Margaret Dale. We also note that Thomas Shaw, farmer, leased 41 acres and 2 roods worth 38 pounds 10 shillings and houses and offices worth 3 pounds in the townland of Ballyhackett, parish of Carncastle, from William Agnew. As noted earlier Margaret died on Feb.4, 1892 aged 82 years. The children of John and Margaret Dale:
- James Dale was born in 1827 and became a carpenter. We believe he married Margaret (Martin?) about 1845. We suspect Martin because, according to the 1851 Census, a Elizabeth Dale, aged 7, is included as a granddaughter in the household of John and Mary Martin in Ballytober, Carncastle. James died of decline in 1848. His wife Margaret erected the following gravestone in St. Patrick's Parish Church: ``Erected by Margaret Dale in memory of her husband James, b. 1827, d. 1848. Their son Thomas, b. 1846, d. 1865. Also three infants.'' The children of James and Margaret Dale:
- Thomas Dale was born 1846 and died in 1865 as the above gravestone attests. Thomas is listed in the 1851 Census as the 4-year-old son of John and Margaret but may have been their grandson. It may be this grandson (rather than a son) to who John Dale left 5 pounds in his 1853 will (note that Thomas's father James died before that will was prepared).
- Samuel Dale born in 1848 is listed in the 1851 Census as the 2-year-old son of John and Margaret but may have been their grandson. Indeed it may be that it was to this grandson (rather than son) that John Dale left much of his estate in his 1853 will (note that Samuel's father James died before that will was prepared). In 1873 Samuel married Margaret Crawford. He also inherited part of his grandfather's land in Ballytober so he is listed as a farmer in Ballytober on his children's birth certificates. Samuel and Margaret had the following children:
- Dorah Dale born in Killyglen on Oct.6, 1873.
- Thomas Dale born in Ballytober on Aug.10, 1875.
- Robert Dale born in Ballytober on Nov.3, 1876.
- Martha Crawford Dale born in Ballytober on May 29, 1879.
- Joseph Dale born in Ballytober on Aug.28, 1880.
- Elizabeth Dale was born in 1828 and was in America at the time of the 1851 Census. On Sep.14, 1849, Eliza Dale of Tobergall was married to Robert Workman in the Presbyterian Meetinghouse, Carncastle. Eliza's father is listed as John Dale, a carpenter. Robert was a bachelor farmer of Ballycraigy whose father, George Workman, was a farmer. Eliza lists her townland as Tobergall. In his 1853 will, her father, John Dale, left just one shilling to his daughter Eliza Workman.
- Sarah Dale. In his 1853 will, her father, John Dale, left just one shilling to his daughter Sarah.
- John Dale was born about 1831 and became a carpenter. He was in America at the time of the 1851 Census. In his 1853 will, his father, John Dale, left just one shilling to his son John Dale. [In the 1881 US Census, a John Dale, a laborer, aged 50, born in Ireland is living at Rahn, Schuykill, Pennsylvania.]
- William Dale was born about 1834 and became a carpenter. He was in Scotland at the time of the 1851 Census. In his 1853 will, his father, John Dale, left five pounds to his son William Dale.
- Martha Dale was born about 1838 and is listed as a 13-year-old living with her parents in the 1851 Census. In his 1853 will, her father, John Dale, left five pounds to his daughter, Martha Dale. She is also left a legacy in the will of Thomas Shaw. Martha Dale, full age, spinster, of Carncastle (father: John Dale, carpenter) married Andrew Millar, full age, bachelor, stonemason, of Ballyenad(?) (father: Charles Millar, farmer) on Aug.21, 1861, in Carncastle Presbyterian Church. Margaret Miller was left a small legacy in the will of her cousin, Thomas Shaw.
- Thomas Dale was born about 1841. The 1851 Census records died from scalding at the age of 1 in 1842.
- Joseph Dale was born about 1841 and is listed as a 10-year-old in the 1851 Census. In his 1853 will, his father, John Dale, left five pounds to his son Joseph Dale. On Dec.2, 1870, Joseph, a bachelor farmer from Ballytober, Carncastle,whose father was deceased carpenter, John Dale, was married in the First Presbyterian Church, Larne, to Isabella Workman from the townland of Ballycraigy, Carncastle. Her father was the deceased farmer, George Workman, and she is the sister of Robert Workman who married Eliza Dale. A Joseph Dale in listed in the Griffith Valuation of about 1860 as holding about 22 acres of land and a house worth 2 pounds, 5 shillings in the townland of Saint Cunning, parish of Carncastle. Joseph and Isabella Dale had at least one child:
- Isabella Workman Dale was born on Nov.29, 1871, in Ballycraigy.
- Mary Dale was born about 1844. In the 1851 Census she is listed as a 6-year-old visitor in the household of Thomas Caldwell in the townland of Drains. In his 1853 will, her father John Dale left five pounds to his daughter, Mary Dale. Mary was the housekeeper for her cousin, Thomas Shaw, for many years and received a substantial legacy in Thomas Shaw's will. Mary died in 1923 at the age of 79 as the above gravestone inscription attests.
- Thomas Dale was born about 1847. In his 1853 will, his father, John Dale, left five pounds to his son Thomas Dale; this Thomas may, however, be John's grandson.
- Samuel Dale was born about 1849. In his 1853 will, his father, John Dale, left most of his estate to this "son" Samuel, who might have been his grandson rather than his son (see above). (We note that John's son, James Dale, died before John's will was prepared.) Samuel is also mentioned in the will of his cousin, Thomas Shaw though, when Shaw prepared his will, Samuel was in Buffalo, New York. In 1873 Samuel married Margaret Crawford. Since he inherited a large part of his father's land in Ballytober, he is listed as a farmer in Ballytober on his children's birth certificates. Samuel and Margaret had the following children:
- Dorah Dale born in Killyglen on Oct.6, 1873.
- Thomas Dale born in Ballytober on Aug.10, 1875.
- Robert Dale born in Ballytober on Nov.3, 1876.
- Martha Crawford Dale born in Ballytober on May 29, 1879.
- Joseph Dale born in Ballytober on Aug.28, 1880.
In the following family tree much of the information on William Dale and Martha Caldwell and on the branch of their family which emigrated to Canada was obtained from Helen Watson of 10513 164th Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5P 3R5, Canada. Important information was entered in a family bible which is in the possession of one of Helen's cousins.
- William Dale was born in 1747 and became a farmer in Ballyruther near Carncastle, County Antrim. On Jul.14, 1777, he married Martha Caldwell. William is included in a 1788 list of the tenants of Ballyruther [PRONI T/2309/1]. Note that a John Dale who is included in the 1788 list of tenants in Ballygally may have been William's brother. William died on May 15, 1803, and was buried in the graveyard of St. Patrick's, the Parish Church of Carncastle, where an old brown freestone memorial reads: ``Here lieth the body of William Dale of Ballyrudder who died May 15th in the year of our Lord 1803 aged 56 years. Also Martha Dale, wife of William Patterson, who died 19th April 1897 aged 86 years.'' William Dale and Martha Caldwell had at least eleven children as follows:
- William Dale and his twin sister, Margaret Dale, were born on Mar.28, 1778. William died in 1778 at the age of 20 and is remembered on another gravestone at St. Patrick's Parish Church which reads: ``Memento Mori. [Family arms]. Here lyeth the body of William Dale, who died 4th March 1798 aged 20 years, son to William Dale and Martha Caldwell of Ballyrither. While sickness sore upon his vitals prey'd, His strength exhosted and his frame decay'd, Yet still the Lord dispos'd his peaceful mind, To bear with patience and to be resign'd. Also his brother John who died March 31st 1816 aged 34 years and likewise Jane Alexander wife of said John Dale who died 6th February 1869 aged 87 years.'' The gravestone includes a coat of arms: three griffons with chevron including five griffons(?) though, since the local gravestone carver often invented coats of arms these may not mean much.
- Margaret Dale, the other twin, married and had a daughter who became Mrs. Lusk. A Lusk family farmed in Killyglen.
- Robert Dale was born on Nov.4, 1779.
- John Dale was born on May 10, 1781. On Nov.10, 1807 he married Jane (or Jean) Alexander, born May 1, 1781. John and Jane Dale had at least six children listed below. In the leaf of a family bible once in the possession of Irene Calvert are recorded the births in the family of John Dale (born May 10, 1781) and his wife Jean Alexander (born May 1, 1781) who were married on Nov.10, 1807. The children listed are William Dale, born Nov.29, 1808, Jean Dale, born Apr.5, 1810, Martha Dale, born Sep.16, 1811, Elizabeth Dale, born Nov.5, 1813, Joe C. Dale, born Mar.6, 1815, and Margaret Dale, born May 9, 1816. John died on Mar.31, 1816, as the above gravestone attests. Consequently the Carncastle tithe applotment book of 1834 lists ``Widow'' Dale with 47 acres, 1 rood and 32 perches of land in Ballyrudder. In the 1851 Census, Jane is listed living with her three children on their farm in the townland of Ballyruther. Also living in the household is Jane's brother, Arthur Alexander, a 60-year-old unmarried cooper, and a relative, 9-year-old Martha Patterson who is attending Mrs.Blair's school. In addition there are two unmarried farm servants, James Campbell aged 23 and Edward McAllister, aged 18. The census return also lists Jane's sister Jane Alexander who died of consumption in the spring of 1843 aged 73. The duplication of names may represent an error. Jane Dale died on Feb.6, 1869, at the age of 87 and is remembered on the above gravestone. The children of John and Jane Dale:
- William Dale was born on Nov.29, 1808, and became a farmer. In 1837, he married a woman named Isabella, born about 1801. It is said that he occupied a farm at Bogtown just to the south of Milltown House and that his son, William John, sold the farm and moved to Larne. However at the time of the 1851 Census William Dale is listed as a farmer in the townland of Blackcave North, between Carncastle and Larne. William is listed as a 41-year-old farmer; also listed in the household are his 50-year-old wife Isabella, his 11-year-old son William John and 5 servants. In the Griffith Valuation of about 1860 a William Dale is listed as occupying a house (worth four pounds) and garden in the townland of Curran and Drumaliss, parish of Larne. Eventually, however, William set up a grocery business at 2 Main Street, Larne which proved quite successful and was eventually taken over by his son William John Dale. Various references strongly indicate that the Dales operated a fairly extensive business involving their farms in the Carncastle area, the flax and corn mills at Milltown and this outlet in Larne. William Dale of Ballyrudder is included in a list of the residents of Carncastle in the 1886 County Antrim Directory. William and Isabella are remembered in the following gravestone in the graveyard of St. Patrick's Parish Church in Carncastle: ``Erected by William Dale of Larne in memory of dearly beloved wife Isabella who departed this life September 1864 aged 66 years. The above named William Dale died 20th Oct. 1888 aged 79 years.'' The gravestone is flaking and badly worn. The only son of William and Isabella Dale:
- William John Dale was born about 1840 and is listed as an 11-year-old living with his parents in Blackcave North in the 1851 Census. William John married Anne Carson who was born about 1845; Anne was the daughter of William Carson of Larne. After working for a time at the Inver Mills, William John eventually took over his father's grocery business at 2 Main Street, Larne. He was also an active member of Gardenmore Presbyterian Church and a member of Larne Poor's Coal Fund. William John and Anne Dale had five children listed below. At least during the period 1864-68 when their first three children were born William John and Anne lived in Wellington Street, Larne. Their youngest two children were born at Ballyruther. Anne died on Jun.15, 1915, at the age of 70 and William John died on Feb.10, 1920, at the age of 82. At the time of his death William John was living on Bay Road, Larne Harbour. An obituary for William John appears in the Feb.14, 1920, issue of the Larne Times and calls William John `` ..one of the best known residents of our town.''. Both he and his wife are buried in the graveyard of St. Patrick's Parish Church, Carncastle, where a gravestone inscription reads: ``Erected by Sam Dale in memory of his wife Agnes Brown who died on 24th Dec., 1814. Tho on the morn, she fresh and fair, And healthful raised her head, Yet long ere night by death's pale hand, Was numbered with the dead. Restored in 1905 by their grandson Samuel S. Dale of Little Falls, New York, U.S.A. Also by William John and Annie Dale of Larne in memory of their beloved daughter, Maggie, who died 25th Aug. 1888 aged 17 years. The above named Annie Dale beloved wife of Wm. John Dale, Larne, died 17th June 1915 aged 70 years. The above named Wm. John Dale died 10th Feb. 1920 in his 82nd year. Also Louisa, youngest daughter of above Wm. John and Annie Dale who died 29th Sept. 1955. Also Annie wife of the late John Shaw died 23rd Mar. 1958.'' This tall white memorial gravestone replaces a small Brown stone which had become illegible and is behind the above stone. The children of William John and Anne Dale:
- Isabella Dale was born on Oct.30, 1864, in Wellington Street, Larne. She married and went to live in Canada.
- Anne Dale was born on Dec.6, 1865, in Wellington Street, Larne. She married John Shaw and died on Mar.23, 1958. She is remembered in the above gravestone inscription.
- William Dale was born on May 29, 1868, in Wellington Street, Larne. He emigrated to Melbourne, Australia, in June 1886 with companion, a Mr. Houston. The Jun.12, 1886, edition of the Larne Reporter published an account of a send-off supper in the schoolroom attached to the Carncastle Presbyterian Church at which there was entertainment and at which John Dale of Ballyruther spoke.
- Margaret Dale was born on Dec.22, 1871, in Ballyruther. She died on Aug.25, 1888, at the age of 17 and is remembered in the above gravestone inscription.
- Louisa Dale was born on Jul.21, 1878, in Ballyruther. She never married and died on Sep.29, 1955. She is remembered in the above gravestone inscription.
- Jean or Jane Dale was born on Apr.5, 1810. This may be the Jane Dale who married James Taylor. The latter died on Sep.14, 1875, at the age of 65 and is buried in the Islandmagee Church of Ireland graveyard. The Taylors had at least three children, Elizabeth, John and Margaret.
- Martha Dale was born on Sep.16, 1811, and married William Patterson, a blacksmith in Old Mill (also called Millvale). At the time of the 1851 Census they lived at 14 Old Mills, Ballygalley. Martha died on Apr.19, 1897, and is buried beside her father as the above gravestone inscription attests. Their children:
- Martha Patterson was born about 1841 and is listed as a 9-year-old relative living with her grandmother Jane Dale in the 1851 Census. At the time she was attending Mrs. Blair's school.
- John Patterson, born in 1843.
- Elizabeth Patterson, died in 1847.
- William Patterson, died in 1847.
- William Patterson was born in 1848. On Dec.29, 1876, in Dalry, Ayrshire, Scotland, he married Agnes Caldwell, born Dec.24, 1855. They emigrated to New Zealand shortly thereafter. William died on Jun.20, 1923, aged 74 and Agnes died on Jul.25, 1940. They are buried in Morrinsville Old Cemetery, New Zealand, where their headstone reads In loving memory of William, beloved husband of Agnes Patterson. Died 20 June 1923 aged 74 years. Thy will be done. The children of William and Agnes Caldwell:
- Isabella Patterson was born on Jul.1, 1892, in Whitianga, New Zealand. On Jul.16, 1913, in Mamaku, she married Alfred Bennett, born Apr.23, 1884, in Tairua, New Zealand. Alfred died on Sep.6, 1976, in Te Puke, where he and Isabella were living and Isabella died Apr.24, 1980, in Rotorua. They had 4 daughters:
- Muriel Isabel Bennett was born in Apr.24, 1916, and died on May 27, 1992. Her daughter:
- Pamela married Tony Watt and provided the information on this branch of the family. Their children:
- Karen Melanie Watt was born Mar.29, 1974 and married Anthony James Leatherby on Sep.1, 2001. Their children: Cole James Leatherby was born on Nov.17, 2003, and Ashleigh Paige Leatherby was born on May 29, 2005.
- Virginia Bennett was born about 1918.
- Patricia Bennett was born about 1921.
- Phyllis Bennett was born about 1922.
- James Patterson was the youngest son of William and Agnes (Caldwell) Patterson. He is the grandfather on Daryl Patterson (daryl.patterson@lendlease.com.au).
- Elizabeth Patterson, born in 1851.
- Elizabeth Dale was born on Nov.5, 1813, and is listed as 36, unmarried and living with her mother in Ballyruther in the 1851 Census.
- Joseph C. Dale was born on Mar.6, 1815, and is listed as a 33-year-old (35?) unmarried farmer living with his mother in Ballyruther in the 1851 Census. On Dec.9, 1856, Joseph Dale, a full-aged bachelor farmer from Carncastle whose father was farmer John Dale was married in Ballycarry Presbyterian Church, Templecorran, to Jane Crawford, a full-aged spinster of Carncastle whose father was farmer Joseph Crawford. The witnesses were William Dale and Elizabeth Dale, presumably the groom's brother and sister. By the time of the Griffith Valuation in about 1860 the land at Ballyruther appears to have passed into the control of Joseph Dale. He is listed as holding two parcels of land in Ballyruther, one of about 45 acres and the other of about 54 acres as well as a house worth four pounds. He also leases houses with gardens to James Robinson and James Campbell. In a 1853 document he is listed as holding land in the townland of St. Cunning from Edward Coey who purchased a large estate from the Earl of Antrim. In Nov.1874, a notable event occurred when a labourer uncovered a mammoth's tooth on Joseph Dale's farm. The tooth was given to the Rev. Grainger of Broughshane where it remained during Grainger's lifetime. Joseph Dale died in 1876 at the age of 61. In the 1901 Census the Dale household in Ballyruther is headed by Jane Dale, now a 85-year-old widow and grandmother, and includes the son of Joseph and Jane and his children:
- John Dale, born about 1860, is listed as a 40-year-old farmer in Ballyruther in the 1901 Census. His wife Elizabeth is listed as 42 years old. Their children are Martha born about 1884, John born about 1892 and Jane born about 1894. John is said to have operated both a flax mill and a corn mill at Milltown (a Mary Dale was resident in Milltown about 1860) as a part of the extensive business run by the Dales. He is listed as one of the residents of Carncastle in the 1886 County Antrim Directory. The following obituary in the Larne Times of Dec.10, 1949, probably refers to this John Dale: ``At Te Awamuto John Dale (aged 91 years) late of Milltown, Ballyrudder, Carncastle.'' In the Carncastle Presbyterian Church graveyard is a gravestone inscription which may also belong to this family: ``In loving memory of Elizabeth Dale who died Jan.18, 1906, aged 52 years and of John McClure Dale son of John and Elizabeth Dale who served with the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers in France, was wounded and discharged and whilst third officer of H.M.Transport Hungerford, perished at sea Apr.16, 1918, as a result of enemy action and is buried in the Royal Navy Cemetery, Haslar, Gosport.'' John Dale is included on a WWI Memorial Plaque in the Cairncastle Presbyterian Church. Perhaps the business passed on to one of John's daughters as a result of his son's early death. This may account for the small number of Dales now resident in the area. John and Elizabeth had children:
- Martha Dale, born about 1884, is listed in the 1901 Census as living with her parents.
- John Dale, born about 1892, is listed in the 1901 Census as living with his parents.
- Jane Dale, born about 1894, is listed in the 1901 Census as living with her parents.
- Margaret Dale was born on May 9, 1816, and is listed as 34, unmarried and living with her mother in Ballyruther in the 1851 Census.
- Samuel Dale was born on May 19, 1783. He emigrated to Canada and is listed in the Canadian census with his brother Daniel. Samuel was a millwright and never married.
- Daniel Dale was born in Carncastle, County Antrim, on Jul.27, 1785. About 1810, he married Martha "Matey" Lough, born about 1788 in "Milton Head" (probably Milltown adjacent to Ballyruther), County Antrim. In 1816 they emigrated to Quebec, Canada, with their infant son Samuel. They settled in Chatham Township, Argenteuil County, Quebec, and built a grist mill in what later became known as Dalesville. Martha's mother, Esther Hood, died in the Ottawa area. Daniel died on Jun.8, 1865, in St.Andrews, Argenteuil, Quebec and is buried in Dalesville Cemetery. Martha died on Sep.5, 1871. The children of Daniel and Martha Dale:
- Samuel Dale was born in Carncastle in 1815 and emigrated to Canada with his parents in 1816. In 1839 in Argenteuil County, Quebec, he married Mary McFarlane, born in Scotland about 1815. Samuel carried on his father's business in Canada. The children of Samuel and Mary Dale:
- John McFarlane Dale was born on May 15, 1842. He married Margaret Morrison, born in 1841, and they went west to Silton, Saskatchewan in 1883. John McFarlane Dale died in July 1910 and his wife Margaret in 1920. They had six children:
- David Morrison Dale (1872-1960).
- Charles Samuel Dale (1877-1943).
- John Alexander Dale (1880-1949), the father of Helen Watson.
- Mary Marjorie Dale (1867-1961) who never married.
- Margaret Jane Dale (1869-1955) who never married.
- Annie Lough Dale (1875-1962) who married Nelson Burrows.
- Daniel Dale was born in 1844 and married Annie McKerricker. They lived in eastern Canada.
- Martha Dale was born in 1845 and never married. She accompanied her brother John to Silton, Saskatchewan and died in 1925.
- Alexander Dale was born in 185? and accompanied his brother John to Silton, Saskatchewan. He never married and died in 1926.
- Samuel Dale married Margaret Beggs.
- Esther Dale married Daniel Smith and died in 1884.
- Martha Dale, known as Mattie, married a man named McFall.
- Margaret Dale was born in 1821 in Chatham, Argenteuil County, Quebec. She married John Smith and they moved to the Ventura area of California before 1900. The descendants of Margaret and her sister Elizabeth were living in the Ventura, Oxnard and Long Beach areas when Margaret Morrison visited them in 1913.
- Mary Jean Dale
- Rose Mary Dale was born in Quebec in May, 1827. In 1854 in Quebec, she married John Young, born in 1826 in Chatham, Argenteuil, Quebec. Rose died on Apr.3, 1901, in Hullett Township, Huron County, Ontario, and is buried in the Burns Cemetery. John and Rose Mary Young had nine children:
- Martha Young, born in 1855 in Hullett Township, Ontario, married William E. Young, born in 1851. She died in Cypress River, Manitoba, in 1933. Their son:
- Howard Young
- William Dale Young, born in 1857 in Hullett Township, Ontario. On May 24, 1886, in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, he married Eliza Lee, born Oct.22, 1867. William died on Oct.27, 1920. He and Eliza had 15 children:
- Gordon Ashley Young, born Jul. 1887, died Jan.1, 1983.
- Annie Dale Young, born Apr.20, 1888.
- Rosemary Young, born Sep.21, 1889, died Jan. 1895.
- William James Young, born Nov.25, 1890.
- Edward Stanley Young, born Feb.6, 1892, married Charlotte Laurie Stewart, born May 28, 1893. Edward died in Sep. 1973 and Charlotte on Feb.19, 1970. They had four children including:
- Robert Young, born Dec.16, 1916, married ? Wittich and had four children. Robert died on Jan.30, 1965.
- John Young, born Mar.3, 1893, died Mar.30, 1893.
- Wilbert Earnest Young, born Apr.25, 1894, died Mar.29, 1989.
- Elizabeth E. Young, born May 30, 1898, died Dec.9, 1975.
- Amos L. Young, born Jan.1, 1900.
- Henry Nelson Young, born Oct.30, 1902, died Dec.9, 1984.
- ? Young
- Thomas Gabriel Young, born Dec.15, 1905, died Sep.25, 1972.
- Frank Young, born Apr.29, 1908, died May 8, 1908.
- Fairy Mabel Young, born Apr.20, 1910, died May 8, 1967.
- ? Young
- May Nichol Young, born on Jan.13, 1860, in Hullett Township, Ontario. On May 29, 1876, in Blyth, Ontario, she married John Alexander Young, born Jun.16, 1854, in Blyth. May died on Nov.15, 1943, in Cypress River, Manitoba, and is buried in Glencove Cemetery. She and John had 9 children:
- John Herbert Young, born Jul.7, 1879, in Hullett Township.
- James Hume Young, born Mar.25, 188?.
- Mary Dale Young, born May 29, 1883, married Frank Culp.
- William Gould Young, born Jul.27, 1885, in Cypress River, Manitoba.
- Percy Andrew Young, born Oct.28, 1888.
- Alice May Young, born Dec.21, 1890.
- Milton Young, born Apr.4, 1892, married Mable Jefferies.
- Matthew Henry Young, born Sep.9, 1895.
- Nelson Young, born Oct.4, 1897, died in 1954.
- Daniel D. Young, born in 1862 in Hullett Township, Ontario, married Jenny Carnegie Kernachy.
- Andrew Young, born about 1863 in Hullett Township, Ontario, married Mary Ann Barry, born in 1866. Andrew died in 1937 and is buried in Glencove Cemetery, Cypress River, Manitoba. He and Mary had 5 children:
- Albert Young, born about 1890.
- William J. Young, born about 1892.
- Mervyn Young, born about 1894.
- Elva Young, born about 1896.
- Cordeita Young, born about 1898.
- Ellen Dale Young was born on Nov.17, 1865, in Hullett Township, Ontario and died as an infant on Apr.17, 1867.
- Samuel D. Young, born in 1868 in Hullett Township, Ontario, married Bertha Robertson, born in 1872. Samuel died in 1923.
- Henry Young was born on Jan.3, 1871, in Hullett Township, Ontario. On Dec.25, 1895, in Morris Township, he married Mary Ann Searle, born Jul.1, 1872. Henry died on Mar.11, 1919, in Hullett Township and is buried in Blyth Union Cemetery. Mary died on Jul.26, 1958. Henry and Mary had 5 children:
- Myrtle Annie Rose Young, born Jan.26, 1897, in Hullett Township. She married twice, first to Charles Murray, then to John Gould.
- John Norman Searle Young, born Nov.16, 1901, in Hullett Township.
- Archie Jackson Young, born Jun.24, 1905, in Hullett Township. He had at least one child and died on Feb.21, 1986.
- Roy Stewart Young, born May 29, 1909, in Hullett Township, married Helen Hoak, born about 1907. Roy died in 1977, Helen in 1967.
- ? Young
- Elizabeth J. Young was born in 1873 in Hullett Township, Ontario, and died in Manitoba.
- Elizabeth Dale was born on May 18, 1830, in Dalesville, Argenteuil County, Quebec. On Oct.13, 1846, in Chatham, she married Ellerson Fowler Smith, born Feb.17, 1818, in Chatham. They were living in Chatham in 1861. Ellerson died in Canada and Elizabeth then emigrated with the children to Hueneme, Ventura County, California. She was living in Ventura with her son Isaac Smith in 1900. Elizabeth died on Jun.13, 1903, in Hueneme and is buried in the Ivy Lawn Cemetery in Ventura. Elizabeth and Ellerson's children:
- Melissa Smith was born on Jun.12, 1847, in Chatham. In 188O in Quebec, she married Duncan McMartin, born Sep.17, 1825. They moved to Hueneme in 1883 and Duncan died before 1910. Melissa died on Apr.28, 1931, in Hueneme and is buried in Ivy Lawn Cemetery, Ventura,,
- Daniel Smith, born Nov.18, 1848, in Chatham, died on Dec.1, 1876.
- Esther Smith, born Feb.12, 1851, in Chatham, married McHenry Perkins.
- Melinda Smith was born on Jul.5, 1854, in Chatham. On Sep.7, 1874, in Chatham, she married Alexander Gill, born Nov.2, 1846, in Hawkesbury, Ontario.
About 1885, they moved with their family to Springville, Ventura County, California. Melinda died on Dec.5, 1923, and is buried in Ivy Lawn Cemetery, Ventura. Their children:
Alex and Melinda Gill
- Ernest David Gill, born May 7, 1877, in Chatham, Quebec.
- Elizabeth Mary Gill, born Mar.9, 1879, in Desalabery, Argenteuil County, Quebec.
- Ellice Anna Gill, born Oct.17, 1880, in Desalabery, Quebec.
- Edmund Roy Gill, born Jun.15, 1882, in Desalabery, Quebec.
- George Ellerson Gill, born Sep.28, 1883, in Grenville, Quebec.
- Charles Alexander Gill, born Oct.27, 1884, in Grenville, Quebec.
- Myron Gordon Gill, born Oct.15, 1886, in Springville, Ventura, California.
- Henry Francis Gill, born Jun.19, 1888, in Springville.
- John Fraser Gill, born Jul.28, 1890, in Springville.
- Allen Smith Gill, born Dec.15, 1891, in Springville, married Mary Sophie Wucherpfennig on Sep.29, 1915, in El Rio, Ventura County. Allen died on Nov.21, 1974, in Oxnard and is buried in the Santa Clara Cemetery. He and Mary had three children. Allen is the grandfather of Diane (Metcalf) LaBrue of Oxnard, California.
- Jessie Alberta Gill, born Jun.24, 1894, in Springville.
- Myrtle Evelyn Gill, born Nov.3, 1898, in Springville.
- Isaac T. Smith, born on Jan.21, 1856, in Chatham, emigrated to California in 1883. In 1902, probably in Ventura, he married Hattie J. Baum, born Nov.1872 in Iowa. They were living in Hueneme in 1900 and in Compton in 1910. Isaac died on Dec.8, 1918, in Los Angeles. He and Hattie had 3 children:
- Pansy Smith, born Feb.10, 1903, in Ventura or Compton.
- Jessie Alice Smith, born Jan.21, 1904, in Ventura or Compton.
- ? Smith.
- Margaret Elizabeth Smith, born Jan.10, 1861, in Chatham was married in 1885 to Richard J. Smith, born in 1860 in Chatham. In 1910 they were living in Compton, California. Margaret died in Los Angeles on Aug.28, 1933. Their children:
- Gertrude Smith, born Dec.4, 1889, in California.
- Elton J. Smith, born Aug.12, 1895, in California.
- Jessie Dale Smith, born Nov.6, 1868, in Chatham, was married in 1889 to Daniel Ross Taitt, born in Michigan in Mar. 1868. They moved to California before 1900. Jessie died in Los Angeles on Aug.4, 1940.
- Martha Dale was born on Feb.11, 1788. She married Hugh Lough.
- Mary Dale was born on Apr.29, 1790. She married William Lough (not a brother of Hugh) (Note that a William Lough is included in a 1788 list of the tenants of Ballyruther). William was the son of Samuel Lough and Elizabeth "Betty" Dale. William and Mary Dale emigrated to Cumberland Township, Russell County, Ontario, Canada. They are buried in Dale's Cemetery along with her sister Elizabeth.
- Elizabeth Dale was born on May 18, 1792. She never married and was buried in Cumberland Township along with her sister Mary.
- Nancy Dale was born on Dec.9, 1794. She never married and, like Elizabeth, was buried in Cumberland.
- Ellen Dale was born on Jan.31, 1797. She married a man named Ross and remained in Ireland.
- John Dale, born about 1806, was a farmer and a labourer who is listed with his wife and children in the 1851 Census as living with his parents-in-law in Carncastle. In 1827, John married Mary Magill, born about 1798, the daughter of Robert and Rose Magill of Carncastle (Robert was born about 1768 and was still living in 1851 whereas Rose, born about 1772, died in 1849 aged 77). Three of John and Mary Dale's children are listed as living with them in the 1851 Census as indicated below:
- William Dale was born about 1829. He emigrated to Dalry, Ayrshire, Scotland where he married Ann Paterson on Mar.24, 1863. William and Ann and children are listed in the 1881 Census as living on Lynn Street, Dalry, with three children. William is listed as 52 years old and Ann as 49 years old, both born in Ireland. Prior to his death, William was living at 7 Smith Street, Dalry; he died on Nov.27, 1907 aged 72(?). William and Ann's children:
- James Patterson Dale was born in Dalry, Scotland about 1863 and is listed in the 1881 Census as a 18-year-old living with his parents on Lynn Street, Dalry. He reported the deaths of his father and uncle John in 1907, at which times he was living at Burgh Buildings, Motherwell, and at 37 Crosshill Street, Motherwell.
- William Dale was born in Dalry, Scotland about 1865 and is listed in the 1881 Census as a 16-year-old living with his parents on Lynn Street, Dalry.
- Annie Dale was born in Dalry, Scotland about 1875 and is listed in the 1881 Census as a 6-year-old living with her parents on Lynn Street, Dalry.
- John Dale was born about 1830 and emigrated to Scotland. In the 1851 Census he is listed as a 22-year-old pit head man, living with his cousin Robert Muir and family in Dalry, Ayrshire, Scotland. John never married and prior to his death was living with his brother William and his wife at 7 Smith Street, Dalry. John died in Glasgow Cancer Hospital on Dec.26, 1907 aged 72(?), his occupations being listed as coal pit labourer and pensioner.
- Robert Dale, born about 1833, is listed in the 1851 Census as a 17-year-old living in Carncastle with his parents and grandfather.
- Rosemary Dale, born about 1839, is listed in the 1851 Census as an 11-year-old living in Carncastle with her parents and grandfather.
- James Dale, born about 1841, is listed in the 1851 Census as a deceased 1-year-old who died in 1842 of inflammation.
Christopher E. Brennen