© Christopher Earls Brennen
LECTURE A1: [1] Introduction to course. Grading scheme. Homework policy. Exam Policy. [2] Examples of fluid flows from cosmological to microbiological. [3] Semantics. Hyrdodynamics and aerodynamics. [4] What is a fluid?
LECTURE A2: [1] Properties of fluids. Pressure, density and viscosity. Shear stress. Couette Flow. [2] Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. Couette rheometer. Dynamic and kinematic viscosities. [3] Fluid statics. Hydrostatic pressure variations. Pressures in oceans and atmospheres. [4] Measurement of pressure, barometers, manometers and pressure transducers. [5] Atmospheres, perfect gas law, standard atmospheres.
LECTURE A3: [1] Hydrostatics. Forces in a fluid at rest. [2] Forces and moments on submerged objects. [3] Center of buoyancy, center of mass. Stability of submerged objects. [4] Stability of floating objects. Metacentric height. [5] Surface tension, surface energy.<
LECTURE A4: [1] Surface tension, surface energy. [2] Pressures in bubbles/drops. Pendant drops. [3] Contact angle. Hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces. Capillarity. [4] Descriptions of fluid motion - Eulerian and Lagrangian views. [5] Eulerian and Lagrangian fluid volumes and elements. [6] Relation between the Lagrangian and Eulerian time derivatives and accelerations.
LECTURE A5: [1] Eulerian and Lagrangian fluid accelerations. Steady flow. [2] Continuity equations. Global and differential equations.
LECTURE A6: [1] Integral continuity equation. [2] Streamlines, streaklines and pathlines. Flow visualization and PDV. [3] Streamfunction. Examples of streamfunctions for simple planar flows. [4] Free and forced vortices. Stagnation points.
LECTURE A7: [1] Streamfunctions for planar compressible flow and for axisymmetric flows. [2] Newton's law for fluid flows. Various forms of the mass times acceleration. [3] Forces acting on a fluid element. Forces due to gravity. Forces due to pressure. [4] Euler's equations of motion for an inviscid fluid. Body force potential. [5] Euler's equations in cylindrical and spherical coordinates. [6] Vorticity and rotation of a fluid element. Irrotational flow. [7] Generation of vorticity at a solid boundary and diffusion of vorticity. [8] Boundary layers and wakes.
LECTURE A8: [1] Vorticity. Irrotational flow. [2] Velocity potential. Equipotentials and streamlines. Cauchy-Riemann relations. [3] Euler's equations and Bernoulli's equation. [4] Total pressure. Loss coefficients. [5]
LECTURE A9: [1] Total pressure. Loss coefficients. [2] Examples of hydraulic system analyses. [3] Nozzles and contraction coefficient. [4] Flows with energy injection or extraction. Pumps and turbines. [5] Various pumps. Pump characteristics and design.
LECTURE A10: [1] Pump characteristics. Examples and pumps efficiencies. [2] Jet engines. Compressor stall. Turbomachine design and specific speed. [3] Cavitation, bubble growth and collapse. Cavitation damage. [4] Fluid measurements using the Bernoulli effect. Venturi and orifice meters. [5] Pitot tubes.
LECTURE A11: [1] Propeller cavitation. [2] Pitot tubes. Total head probes. [3] Bernoulli's equation in unsteady flow. Inertance. [4]
LECTURE A12: [1] Planar incompressible and irrotational flows. [2] Simple steady planar potential flows. Uniform streams. Flow in a corner. [3] Flows generated by separation of variables in Cartesian coordinates. [4]
LECTURE A13: [1] [2] [3] [4]
LECTURE A14: [1] [2] [3] [4]
LECTURE A15: [1] [2] [3] [4]
LECTURE A16: [1] [2] [3] [4]
LECTURE A17: [1] [2] [3] [4]
LECTURE A18: [1] [2] [3] [4]
Last updated 4/9/04.
Christopher E. Brennen