Photographs of St. Kilda
Village Bay on Hirta
Main Street
Main Street
Main Street Parliament (Photo by G.W.Wilson)
Cleit on the way to the Gap
Women of Hirta (Photo by G.W.Wilson)
Mistress Stone (Photo by Alex Walker)
Tunnel through Gob na h-Airde on Hirta (Photo by Bob Jones)
Western tunnel entrance (Photo by Bob Jones)
Rapelling for birds at the Gap (From film by Paul Robello & Bobbie Mann)
Birding haul (Photo by G.W.Wilson)
Birding expedition on Boreray (Photo by Cherry Kearton)
Birding on Stac an Armin (Photo by G.W.Wilson)
Passing Boreray on the way to Hirta
Stac Lee and Boreray
Stac Lee
Stac an Armin
Bothy on Stac Lee
Bothy on Stac Lee
Bothy on Stac-an-Armin Last updated 5/15/05.
Christopher E. Brennen